“Another woman of color misunderstood the message”
The impact of racist incidents doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It has an effect that lasts for a long time, and those effects can be seen in a multitude of ways.

I am appalled on the actions of a Sweets n More staff and co-manager. Using my skin color against me and using my skin color as a poster to support. I made my comments public to the Sweets n More business, and the developer of the event reached out to me. Within her statement;
“It’s a bit sad that another woman of color misunderstood the message to that extent, and I’m requesting for you to expand on that”.
Her words caught me by surprise. I expressed to the co-manager, just because of my ethnicity and skin color, does not automatically mean I have to support anything and everything black. The business profited off the black and brown experience in the wrong way. Adding chocolate flavors to a milkshake should not represent and promote the black and brown experience. Putting colorful frosting on cupcakes and calling them heritage cupcakes is not the black and brown experience.
My statements were ignored and made invalidated by the co-manager.
The store then reached out a couple of days after I reached out to them. They expressed that a POC student created the event as if it was supposed to make me feel okay and comfortable with the post. Rude and ignorant. I stated to both the business and the co-manager that it does not matter if a POC student created the event. It does not automatically mean the community has to agree and ‘approve’ of the event or promotion.
There was also no NO apology from her was given and NO apology from Sweets n More was given. NOT for the promotion, NOR for the racial drawings within your shop.