In photos: UMass Got Talent
A recap of UMass Got Talent including an interview with the winner, Samantha Kay.
Samantha Kay (Patrick Kline/Amherst Wire)
AMHERST — On April 5, the University of Massachusetts Amherst Programming Council hosted the annual UMass Got Talent competition in Bartlett Hall. The event featured multiple bands like Raspberry Jam, dance acts like the group Jazba, rappers like Chris Focus and Walt Arkain, and guitarists like Angelo Cerbone.
Jazba took home second place, with their blend of South Asian and American dance styles, and will be performing at the UMass Sammy awards April 25. UMass junior Samantha Kay took first place, singing a combination of Beyonce covers and her own original songs.
I sat down with Kay to discuss her victory and upcoming UMass Spring concert performance on April 28.
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Produced by: Jonathan Kermah
Email Jonathan at [email protected], or follow him on Twitter @JKermah98.

"I walk, I look, I see, I stop, I photograph." - Leon Levinstein
Email Patrick at [email protected] and follow him on Twitter at paterickkline