Campus operational poster set to lower from “High Risk” to “Elevated”

New email by Chancellor Kumble R. Subbaswamy goes over the new conditions and plan for UMass students

Campus operational poster set to lower from "High Risk" to "Elevated"

On Friday, Feb. 19 Chancellor Subbaswamy sent an email to all UMass students revealing the operational posture transitioning from “High Risk” to “Elevated,” starting on Monday, Feb. 22.

This is due to the moderation of the COVID-19 surge from two weeks ago that forced a “High-Risk” posture and by students following public safety protocols.

Chancellor Subbaswamy lists the specifics as follows:

  • In-person classes will resume but students must comply with getting tested twice a week and make sure they have a green check mark on the health hub. Students out of compliance with testing protocol will lose access to remote classes as well.
  • Students can return back to work if they are in compliance with their twice-weekly testing.
  • No unauthorized gatherings of any kind are allowed.
  • Visitors and guests are still banned from coming on campus.
  • The Du Bois Library will bring back its onsite services that will include curbside pick-up and Interlibrary Loan scanning.
  • All athletic programs can go back to having practices and games. No home competitions will occur till mid-March and players must stay within their social bubbles.
  • Dining will remain as Grab N’ Go and students will have to show their green checkmark located on the Campus Health Hub.

In addition to these specifications, the Student Union will open if the conditions of public health improve. Only students with the Campus Health Hub green checkmark will be allowed entry. All public health guidelines will be strictly monitored. 

After going over these new guidelines, the chancellor thanked all the students who followed the rules and revealed that 538 students have been referred to the conduct office. 

He said, “To others who disregard these protocols, I want to make clear that we expect, and will actively verify compliance. Since Jan. 1, a total of 578 UMass students were referred to the university’s conduct office, and sanctions have included suspension and removal from university housing.”

Once again, he states that following the public health protocols is going to remain in effect. This is including, mask-wearing, social distancing, twice-weekly testing and retaining a social bubble.

Chancellor Subbaswamy ends the email with hope. If the rules are followed, and cases go down, then things like the Recreation Center, in-person dining and having a guest, are all obtainable. 

Email Ethan at [email protected]

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