‘Ignite Your Right: Humanity Against Trump’ protest Friday at UMass

Organizers ask attendees to wear purple as a symbol of unity.

'Ignite Your Right: Humanity Against Trump' protest Friday at UMass

AMHERST — A demonstration in response to Donald Trump’s presidential victory will be held at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Friday at 1 p.m. on the lawn outside of Goodell Hall.

The event, “Ignite Your Right: Humanity Against Trump,” is organized by UMass student Kyle Hartmann, among others. Organizers have asked attendees to wear purple as a symbol of unity.

According to Hartmann, “the rally will consist of speakers, poetry readings, performances and chants.”

The rally’s Facebook page calls the election of Trump a “devastation.” Organizers hope the event will inspire a sense of unity for those upset at the prospect of a Trump presidency.

“Many of us are scared, angry and confused. So, let’s bring these emotions together and use our voices as students to incite the change we want to see in this country,” a post on the Facebook event says.

According to Hartmann, his idea for the rally began with a speech he made in class Wednesday morning.

Afterward, some classmates joined him outside to discuss the outcome of the election. The small gathering grew. Soon, it became a large, spontaneous demonstration in which students marched through campus chanting “love trumps hate” and other slogans.

Amherst Wire covered the protest and drew the attention of the Boston Globe.

“The event yesterday was a trickling effect. Starting with a small handful of people and then growing into dozens, then almost 200 people at its peak,” Hartmann said.

Because of the overwhelming response Hartmann and his classmates generated Wednesday with no prior planning, they felt they had to follow Wednesday’s demonstration with a more formal event for those who missed out Wednesday.

“It was clear something more needed to be done,” Hartmann said.

Friday’s rally will be the fourth anti-Trump event held in Amherst so far. Students and community members demonstrated throughout the day Wednesday in the wake of Trump’s victory.

Email Bryan at BBowman@umass.edu and  follow him on Twitter @BryanBowman14.

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