Women for Biden: a suburban battleground

How one group just may be Biden’s saving grace

With the upcoming election rapidly approaching it’s interesting to learn who has helped carry Joe Biden’s campaign through the finish line. There’s been a new influx of support for Biden that comes from an army of women, specifically suburban women who have had a change of heart in the last four years. Although they played a critical role in the 2016 election for President Trump, many of these women are taking a different stance this year. Their dissension comes in astonishingly large numbers, predominantly in swing states where new grassroot efforts are popping up in abundance.

One such group is called the Red, Wine and Blue. They’re based in Ohio, an important swing state for Biden, and they actively recruit female voters who once voted for Trump or an independent candidate. Their mission is to help bring awareness to political action and advise other suburban women and mothers to participate at a local and national level. They encourage others like them to campaign for themselves and focus on larger issues at hand. They’re not alone in this mission, all over key battleground states women’s grassroots efforts are popping up and recognizing the instrumental role they play in this national election. 

In 2016 many states such as Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin were a huge win for Trump as suburban women helped him squeeze out a narrow four-point victory securing him the electoral college. Yet, now these same women are changing the tide creating a 23 point lead for Biden amongst this subgroup.  Trump pleaded for their support at a rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania recently statingSuburban women, will you please like me? Please. Please.” The support for Trump in the 2016 election originally stemmed from a single party issue that many of these women held dear: abortion. Although they didn’t necessarily like him they recognized he shared their pro-life outlook and that was enough.

But with the crisis of COVID-19, the allegations of sexual assault, the on-going fight for equality and his reaction to the rampant issue of race in the country, many of these women have said enough is enough. In an interview with the New York Time’s Hanna Dugsputa, a member of the Red Wine and Blue group reckons her change in support came from continuously watching Trump’s irreverent behavior: “In the last four years, my children have grown and developed more than he has in regards to the way he speaks to other people, the way he speaks about other people,” she isn’t alone in her beliefs as many of the women in these organizations have expressed their frustrations with Trump’s actions over the course of his presidency. 

This change in voter opinion could threaten Trump’s re-election chances. Many of these women state that they’ve felt immensely guilty about voting for Trump and have since done everything to rectify that mistake. Despite Trump’s attempt to win back their support this division of women are tired of a president who wreaks havoc and discord. His presence in office has been their political wake-up call and they just might be powerful enough to make a real change.


Email Chloe at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @Chloelindahl1

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