Quarantine reflection: An introvert’s guide to self-care
We must remember to nurture ourselves during a traumatic event.
Newton, MA – Life has become a series of unfinished paintings and I have lost all sense of time. Caught somewhere between happiness and fear, I spend most of my days gardening, painting and watching movies. While the suburbs are typically quiet, with the occasional hum of cars passing by and dog collars jingling, my neighborhood has become eerily silent. Yet, as an introvert, I find happiness in this level of solitude.
Unfortunately, as a college student, I am haunted by an overwhelming amount of guilt and shame as I try to stay on top of my work. My anxiety has manifested itself into a constant battle with throbbing headaches and painful heartburn. And as the number of cases in Mass. steadily continue to climb, people’s anxiety becomes tangible. The more I write daily COVID-19 updates with Joanna Buoniconti, the more I can feel the public’s anxiety.
This guide is a reminder of the importance of self-care, especially during a traumatic event. Enjoy this guide and use it as inspiration to find what works for you.
Explore nature: Get dirty! Throw on some old sweatpants, a t-shirt and head outside for the day. Play with dirt. Dig. Plant herbs, flowers, grass, fruits and vegetables. Notice the different kinds of bugs you come across. Follow where the roots lead. Organize your yard by making piles of leaves and twigs. Listen to the birds chirp. Trim bushes. Mow the lawn. Collect beautiful pieces of nature like rocks and flowers.
Movie night: Whether you want to watch movies with your friends, family or both, scheduling a daily movie night gives you something to look forward to at the end of each day. The trick is to find a movie engaging enough for everyone to actually watch. A great way to ensure every audience member is involved in the movie-picking process is to find a series or franchise such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, Jurassic Park and even Shrek. By focusing your movie nights on franchise films, you will create a pleasant balance of familiarity and repetition (with the plot, characters, etc.) while also finding new ways to engage with the films as they evolve. (If you need inspiration, check out IMDB’s suggestions.)
Have an art party: No art skills required, just pull out sharpies, pencils, pens, crayons or whatever you have available. Pump your favorite tunes and doodle yourself away. Feel the music and visualize it. What does your favorite song that you’ve been playing on repeat non-stop look like? Get messy! Who says your too old to finger paint? Nothing gets creative juices flowing like covering your hands and arms in paint, charcoal or even marker.
Plan a game night: Organize some games to play with your family or roommates. Share different card games (or board games) with each other, learn new strategies, argue over the winner, laugh until your sides hurt and go to bed exhausted. Games like Carioca, which is a Chilean card game, will engage players of all levels, but a simple game like charades can go a long way as well.
Enjoy a date with yourself: Dedicate an evening just for you by cooking/ordering your favorite meal and watching your favorite TV show or movie. Do what brings you happiness. Rediscover old songs, cringe-worthy pictures of yourself or put on a face mask. Quarantine can be isolating for many, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely alone. Take this time to catch up with yourself and relearn your interests.
Observe and embrace the silence: Sit on your porch, stoop, yard, curb or anywhere outside. Just breathe and listen to the world. Let your mind travel.
Put yourself first: Remember, this is a global pandemic. School is important, but remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones. If you submit your work late, that’s okay. Don’t let guilt consume you. Give yourself a break. Treat your mind and body with kindness.
Email Brianna Silva at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @brisilvv.

Email Brianna at [email protected] or follow them on Twitter @brisilvv